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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I had a very nice weekend and a very busy last couple days. My best friend Carmen was up to visit on Saturday and we went hiking up on the land where Steve runs some of the cattle and it was a lot of fun even though the weather wasn't perfect. We had some nice weather but it only lasted for a while.

I was thinking more about the fairy tale thing and thought it would be good to post my usual schedule for Monday thru Friday and all:

Out of bed at 5am to get breakfast ready. But before I do breakfast I check on Eric and Emmy and do "Dawn Patrol". Christie says I have to see a movie to get that joke.

By 5:30am all the adults and Stevie are up and having breakfast and coffee.

6am : Steve leaves for work, Stevie is out to do chores with the animals, Shari goes to get Lauren and Hannah up for breakfast, Christie takes Eric and Emmy for reading time.

6:30 : Shari and the girsl go out to finish the chores with the animals, I get Eric and Emmy in the kitchen, and Christie goes to work in the basement. I clean up the kitchen and watch the babies.

7am : I usually start laundry or do some baking.

9:30am morning breaktime for everyone. We all gather in the kitchen and have coffee and eat whatever might get baked and we chat a lot.

10am to Noon : I usually do ironing or gardening and then around 11:40 I start lunch.

Noon to 1pm is lunch time and chat time for everyone.

1pm to 5pm is kind of open. I usually have something to do like cleaning the bathrooms or carpets or I go sweep up outside before I do prep for dinner. I usually do the prep even if I'm not cooking just so it's easier for Christie or Shari to cook when it is time.

5pm I either start dinner or I sit with the girls or the babies depending on if Shari or Christie is making dinner.

5:45ish is when Steve usually gets home and we all have to get a hug and he gets comfy for dinner. Dinner is on around 6pm and then done when it is done. The girls cleanup the kitchen so I can have some time to myself like right now.

After that it is free time and we all do what we want until bedtime at 9pm usually.

Saturdays we do breakfast around 8am and the day can have chores or fun time and then we usually do dinner again around 6pm but lunch might just be sandwiches.

Sundays are family time and breakfast is 8am and we will have church and prayer time for an hour after breakfast and then do things together. Dinner is usually nicer than other days and we might start it as early as 1pm and have it around 4pm so we can have more family time at night.

And that is my schedule!

I haven't been on here since Friday because I've had Carmen over and had to catch up a few things I was planning to do Saturday. Shari stayed with Steve even on Monday so I get to see him tonight and I really miss him. Christie is saying she should be okay to be with him again by April 1st and is really, really, REALLY looking forward to it!! She really misses him and says she can't wait to have time with him again.

Having some time away from him kind of took some of my nervousness away. I really liked being with him but have to be honest it was not so easy to just do this. One of my pen pals has written me some very detailed things that made me think a lot about all this and I got some nerves and it also made me think how much I wanted all this and how much I am starting to love Steve and everyone but especially Steve. I really liked him before and I was starting to love him but being with him changed everything and now I like just smelling him in his shirts when I clean them and I love when he kisses me at night when he comes home and I love just bumping into him in the kitchen in the mornings. In more than an hour I will get to be in bed with him and I feel like a little kid going to Disneyland I'm so excited!

I don't know what else to write right now but that all was what was on my mind!


  1. Megan.. I wrote a post at my blog, just so you know.. feel free to comment. Its nice reading you're so happy with Steve. Cheers for Steve for being such a good husband. As I wrote in my blog, the way Shari and Christie are is mind-blowing.. I don't really get how you're all able to be so comfortable with each other, and that there is no awkwardness when it comes to sexual issues

  2. Hi Megan, I just found your blog through 3rd and I can't wait to read it all! Please visit mine if you like and comment away!!! Take care and be assured I'll be reading and commenting my way through yours :)

  3. Lol, I love that you're so excited about Steve. And busy but great schedule!! I need to set up one for myself.
