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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just what's up is all

Haven't put anything on here for a while mostly because it's just been really busy. There is a lot to do with winter coming on and we've had to get a lot of things done. We got four truckloads of alfalfa put up in the hay barn this week and I am so stinking sore from all that! We had two of Steve's friends come to help with it all but it was still a lot of hard work to get it all done.
It's in the 30's at night now so we towed the chicken coop into the barn and got them set up for the winter. They can still get outside to play and all but they will be safer in the barn with the weather coming. My big surprise yesterday was finding a silver lace hen with TWELVE chicks hiding under the steps on the side of the house. Not all the chicks are silvaer lace so I am thinking some of the chickens were laying there and the momma hen just sat on all those eggs. This puts us around 220 chickens now and we're making some good money from the eggs which is really helping out.

Christie is gone on work and I miss her a lot. Macy and Steve are home and so are the girls and all the babies but having Christie gone the place is so quiet! Steve is off work now for the winter but says he might get some work clearing roads if there's any landslides or whatever that happens. It feels weird to not want anything bad to happen anywhere but then to know we need the money when it does.

Both of my girls are crawling now and Patty is doing a little standing when she pulls herself up on things. Patty is 100% Steve's girl and you can tell she will be really strong when she gets older. My Laura is doing nice and she is so happy all the time! Macy calls her "Pigeon" because she coos so much! The girls are calling her that too so I am wondering if it will be a nickname for her. Laura did get a bad bruise from her vaccinations last week but will be okay. It just looks like she got kicked is all.

The economy is not good and that is hurting a lot of families. At church on Sunday the pastor told us that aid had to be given to four families in the church to save their homes and there will be a meeting tomorrow after church to talk about the church buying their homes so they can stay there. It's really bad right now. Everyone talks about how they have less money than last year and then taxes go up in January and people are just wondering how they are going to get by. I got an email from my friend Carmen who said her family got their foreclosure notice and have to be out by the end of November. She will have to quit school and go get a job to help pay rent because her father got laid off from his job making lights. It's not looking good and I keep hearing on the news about a recovery but everywhere I look I see things getting worse. It's really scary.

One of the older men in the church has pancreatic cancer and they think he will be gone by Christmas and that has a lot of people really sad. He was a soldier in the Korean War and his kids got him to move here after his wife died and he is the nicest man.

I need to go work on lunch but wanted to get on here.

I hope all of you are safe, warm, fed, and have good jobs.

1 comment:

  1. Things are sort of getting better here in VA. Not good, but better.
    The foreclosure stuff is bad. On the news, they temporarily stopped them in 23 states that have a judicial review of foreclosure-

    in all the other states, the banks just do whatever they want.

    That's a lot of chickens. How much do they eat?
