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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Johnny's comment

Johnny had some good questions and I wanted to answer them.

Is this the most significant work of writing you've ever done?

Is this significant? This is the most writing I have ever done and it is harder than essays in school because it is all about me. It should have been a chicken blog and it would be easier! Christie has me reading books a lot more and says my grammar will get better if I just read more and maybe that is working. Thank you for noticing that.

One thing I've noticed you don't go into much detail on is your relationship with the church. You've made a few references to the bylaws you're obligated to follow but I don't get any feeling of enthusiasm for the church's teachings. Are you like Christie in this regard, or are you just not allowed to talk about it?

I am studying the Bible and trying to get into the whole Christian thing but right now it is just so new to me. The Pastor asked me how was my walk one day and I had no idea what he meant. It made me wonder if I was limping or something and then he explained it to me and it felt bad having to have that explained to me. Christie and me have a lot in common about this but both of us agree that the life we live because we are trying to be Christian is much better than the life we used to have. I can see how some people are so amazing and wonderful because of their faith and it would be nice to be that way and maybe someday I will be.

Skinny dipping on a hot night.


  1. I have to agree with Johnny and the other two comments in the previous post. I also enjoy watching you grow as a person and a christian. Keep up the good work!

  2. Oh Megan, no… don't feel bad when you don't get the churchy lingo. I said it before in a previous post… stay real. Don't ever lose sight of this: being a Christian is a relationship. The Bible sometimes compares our Christian lives to a walk or even a race in which we preserver through difficult times, but more profoundly, it's often compared to the most intimate of all relationships — a marriage. If you want me to expand on any of that, or find Bible verses, just let me know.

    If it's any encouragement to you, I started going to church regularly around the same age as you — and talk about culture shock! I had been reading the Bible for some years before that, and I already believed Jesus was my saviour, but church was another thing altogether. Suddenly I was surrounded by kids in a youth group who all seemed to know the words to these daggy song-graces they sang before a meal, and I had no idea. But unlike your church, I could see that for a lot of them, there didn't seem to be any substance to their faith, whereas I was really excited about it. I remember thinking, I never want to become 'churchy'!

    Praying that you come to know and fall in love with the real, living Jesus more and more. He changes us from the inside the closer we get to him, and it becomes less and less about us 'trying to be Christian'.


  3. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. :)

    In concurrence with Donald, I would advise you to not get too worried about "keeping up" with the church. I only asked about the impact of religion on your life since to outsiders, religion appears to be a *huge* factor in polygamous households, yet it was odd to me that you don't discuss it much.

    From personal experience though, don't try to force it or feel obligated to "get into the whole Christian thing." It will turn into an academic affair, where you can quote Scripture like mad but it won't mean anything to you.

    Let it come naturally to you. It already sounds like you're a good person at heart, and you and Christie both realize that you're doing great things along your walk despite not being fully vested in the church-- so don't stress it. You're probably closer to Jesus than you think.


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  5. Megan, I have enjoyed reading about your idyllic life with your new family. You certainly deserve happiness after your experiences growing up in a broken family. If I may make a suggestion - you should consider spending more time on developing your workplace skills and furthering your education. You are significantly younger than your husband and you (God forbid) could be a widow by the time you are fifty. Time is of the essence. Complete your education before you start your family. You still have time.
