Happy New Year to Everyone!
I hope the new year has nothing but happiness, love, and joy in store for you and yours!
We're doing fine as the New Year greets us and things are coming into a new normal.
Christie's kids are doing pretty good. I guess one nice thing about this life is the kids have a lot of parents so the loss is not as heavy on them as it could be. They get a lot of love and that's every day!
Business for Steve is doing great and he has a lot of work. Last year he bought an older airplane to use for getting around and it's been getting worked on for several months now. He's hoping to have it ready for flight and inspection around June.
I have egg business again since the economy is doing better and I'm getting $6 a dozen! That's just awesome for my little business and I ordered more chicks from the hatchery for the spring!
There isn't much else to talk about right now other than the holidays were better than I expected. I think everyone was just ready to feel better.